“Silver Surfers”, often overlooked as a profitable online segment, comprise over 23% of the U.S. digital population. These parents, grandparents, homeowners and working professionals have real buying power and purchase influence. Here’s what you need to know about reaching them online...
- Evaluate your audience:
Many Silver Surfers are still active in the workforce, earning more, and enjoying more financial freedom (i.e. empty nesters) than they have in decades. Take the time to reassess your key target segments, their characteristics, and their needs. You might be surprised to find that 55+ consumers are a natural fit. - Keep messaging relevant and to the point:
Avoid busy, flashing creative that may be difficult to read or look at, and keep the ad format simple with limited functionality. Use soft colors and large fonts wherever possible and keep ad copy short and straightforward. - Be accessible:
Broken URLs and slow loading landing pages may confuse users and result in abandonment or unfavorable brand association. Silver Surfers are less forgiving than most and will respond best to your brand when all aspects of the campaign function flawlessly and with immediacy. - Make the user experience seamless:
An advertisement that clicks through to your homepage can leave Silver Surfers feeling lost. Make sure that your landing page provides a clear link to the originating ad with similar messaging and design elements. Boldly present your “call to action” and include clear instructions that will guide users through your process. - Educate yourself:
No matter how well devised your campaign, if the ads aren’t seen by your target audience, those efforts will be lost. Use research tools to determine which sites skew to Silver Surfers or select a media vendor who can target your campaign demographically. Always test and compare several vendors to make sure you’re getting the best ROI.
Great article...keep on posting